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Today's purchase for the week.


When we first got here, we purchased our produce and eggs in a "supermarket." The quality was nice and the prices were UNBELIEVABLE! But there are tiny produce shops throughout our neighborhood and we got to wondering.

One morning, we explored a nearby area and found that there were 5 little fruit and vegetable stands in a row. Their prices are 30-50 percent lower than the regular market! So we vary our walk once a week or so to give business to these little shops near our apartment. Since we walk early, usually only one is open.

Tallly what the cost would be in the USA for all this organic produce and eggs as I mention each item. Bottom of photo to top.

2 large mangos

2 hands of 15 mini (flavor bomb) bananas, 1 kilo (2.2 pounds) vine ripe tomatoes, 15 large eggs, 3 small bell peppers, 1 kilo red onions, two green cabbages, 2 very large avocadoes 2 small lemons, 2 tiny, firey hot chilis.

It's hard for most to judge, since those specialty bananas are only available in parts of Florida, but they are very costly there, about $8 per hand, and they're picked green. These are always pure yellow when we buy them.

Our total cost today for everything was just under $10. If we'd added a pineapple, (we already have one) it would have added 65 cents.

I absolutely love the food here. Even in restaurants you can get highly nutritious and flavorful food.

I'm going to make some lemon pineapple cole slaw with some of the cabbage and some sauerkraut with fennel with the rest. some salsa with the tomatoes, chilis, peppers, top my homemade tortilla burritoes with a huge dollop of guacamole. MMMMMMMMMM.

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